Sunday 2 October 2011

End of semester 2 is approaching!

This week is my last week of Semester 2. I am looking forward to finishing this semester, doing my exams and preparing for my third year practicum next year.

Friday 12 August 2011

Semester 2 begins

What a busy semester it has been so far. There are lots of assignments to start working on and preparing to hand in. All my courses are really interesting and I am learning lots of things that will help me in the classroom.

Friday 24 June 2011

Social Studies Exam

Today I completed my last exam for the semester- Social Studies. I now have a 5 week break before starting semester 2 and I am looking forward to studying my general eduction paper on New Zealand music, Maths, Science and promoting the acheivement of diverse learners.

I'm looking forward to visiting room 24 over the holidays and catching up on lots of reading.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Health and Physical Education Exam

This morning I took my Health and Physical Education Exam. It was a very challenging exam. Now I am studying for my Social Studies exam, which is on Friday.

Friday 17 June 2011

Goodbye Room 24!

Hello Room 24!
I hope you are working hard today. I am going to univeristy shortly and will be learning just like you. Thank you for my lovely shared lunch, cards and presents. I will work on the voicethread this afternoon and let Mrs Govender know when it is ready. I enjoyed my time in your classroom and will come back to visit you soon.
Mrs Nilson

Thursday 16 June 2011

Thank you card and book to Room 24

Today is my last day in Room 24. I presented Room 24 with a card and book. The card has a message for each child in the class to say thank you for the last 5 weeks.

Monday 13 June 2011

Team Assembly

Today I was provided with the opportunity to present Room 24's certificates and awards in the team assembly.

Friday 10 June 2011

Making Play Dough

Making Play Dough on PhotoPeach

Students are working co-operatively to make play dough. This lesson is linked to their written language procedure writing

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Friday 3 June 2011

Art- Maui and the Sun

Art on PhotoPeach

Teaching students skills on choosing the correct brush and mixing secondary colours

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Maths Game

Teaching students a warm up game for maths using their doubles and halves. Students are each given a card and they match their card with another students card. Example Double 10 and the matching card is 20.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Visit to other classrooms

Today I visited 3 other classrooms in the school. These were a year 1 & 2 class, a Samoan billingual unit (Year 3 & 4 ) and a Maori billingual unit year (Year 0-3).

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Monday 16 May 2011

Otahuhu Primary School- Year 3/4- Room 24

Part of my second year of study involves a placement in a school for 5 weeks. This year my placement is  at Otahuhu Primary School in Room 24 (Year 3-4) class.